Software Updates
Sophie Quinn
Jul 10, 2020

Safe Food Pro - Winter Release 2020

Safe Food Pro - Winter Release 2020


e are excited to bring you our latest release of our Safe Food Pro Software.

This release includes some features that have been requested by you, our users. The main change you will notice is the new look to our Users and Staff section.

Release Version Numbers

Android v1.9.3 Download
Apple - iOS v1.9.3 Download

New Features

Staff & User Management
We've streamlined the way you manage your Staff and Users by adding them to one tab on your Dashboard. Now you have the ability to add, delete and edit your staff and users all from the one place. Check out this quick video on our new Staff & User feature. 

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Mobile User Notifications
Stay up to date with your Maintenance and Certificates/Permits with the user notifications. You can set these up to remind you by email or push notification when your maintenance is due or a certificate/permit is about to expire. You can set these up straight form the Staff & User tab on your Admin Console. 


Staff Resources 

We've been listening to your feedback and have provided the ability to attach Resources to your Staff. Now you can store Staff records, First Aid Certificates or Qualifications all in the one place!


Monitor Saved forms from the App

We've added a few awesome new features to our Mobile App this release. You can now use our new Mobile Dashboard to keep up to date with your Weeks forms statistics & temperature checks. Or try the Mobile Form Report to get a mini report on a specific form. Finally, sort through your Saved Forms with ease using the new Only My Forms filter, that shows only the forms you've completed. 


Automatically Send forms to Suppliers

Incoming Goods issues? Set up a delivery issues form and use our new supplier answer type to automatically send the form to your supplier. Next time you receive any damaged goods or food out of the required temperature range, complete one of these forms and it will automatically send to your supplier. 


Other Improvements

  • Customise your Dashboard layout to suit you 
  • Use the TODAY date range short cut on your Dashboard or Reports to quickly see today's form completion
  • Manage your Messages from the app by filtering by Escalation, Follow-Up Action, Web Notification or Mobile Notification. 
  • View Staff initials next to each form on Saved Forms page
  • Bluetooth Probe answer type improvements. Add the ability to automatically record all temperatures, the highest temperature or the lowest temperature. 
  • Minor bug fixes

About the author

Sophie Quinn

Head of Customer Success

A career in professional dance may not be a traditional background for a support specialist, but perhaps it's her ability to stay in step with our customers and make our software sing that makes Sophie such an amazing customer advocate. As if that wasn’t enough, Sophie is also a pilates instructor on the side and is passionate about exercise. So, she’s helping our customers find success as well as the general public! What a legend.

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