Software Updates
Greg Hart
Nov 4, 2019

Summer '19 - Software Release

Summer '19 - Software Release

We are really excited to bring you our 2019 Summer Release of Safe Food Pro. We continue to listen to our customers feedback and endeavour to keep building on our rich feature set whilst keeping the software easy (and fun) to use. Our development team are always up for a new challenge and we think they have knocked it out of the park!

Full release notes can be found at:

Release Version Numbers: Web - v2.1.39  | Android v1.4.8  & ios v1.4.8

New Features

View Safe Food Pro - Bluetooth Probe Video


New Answer Types

Add these new answer types into your Custom Forms or Existing forms

  • Selected Resource | Make your Form link straight to a specific Resource. This answer type is perfect for your staff training forms, visit from pest control form and more. 
  • No/Yes + Reason | This was highly requested by you guys and now it's here! We already have the Yes/No + Reason, but now you've got both. 
  • Conditional Sections | Hide or display a block of questions depending on the answer to a Yes/No Conditional Section Header.
  • Link to a Completed Form | You can now refer to a previously completed form when completing another form (e.g. You could have a follow-up to a complaint or incident).


Monitor Pro 

Check out the new Monitor Pro temperature sensor features here: Monitoring your Monitor Pro Sensors

  • Sensor outage notifications 
  • Push notifications for temperatures exceeding boundaries 
  • View sensor outages from the dashboard
  • More detailed dashboard graphs


Improved Features

  • Bulk Upload improvements | Bulk upload pin number for staff
  • Minor Bug Fixes
  • Improved Report Loading Speed
  • Total value of numeric answers shown in reports
  • Improvements to printed Completed Forms Format | We have reduced the amount of space used for each question box, which will condense the size of your report
  • Organisation name added to Action Alert Emails | When an action alert email is sent to you, it has the name of your Organisation in the header
  • Group Dashboard Improvements | Improvements made to spacing & layout


Wizard Update & Form Changes

We have been busy updating our Forms & Wizard to match MPI's updates. We've added Yes/No + Reason questions & repeating sections to some forms.


We love to hear your feedback and comments. Please make your comments in the form below or contact us at

About the author

Greg Hart

Head of Design at Comply Pro

We’re not sure how Greg became one of NZ’s best UX designers and SaaS marketers. Somehow it started with tunnelling, moved through ostrich farming and evolved into travelling the globe as a rock guitarist. He claims he “just has talent” but most of us have decided he was abducted by aliens. So what’s next for this multi-talented guy? That’s right you guessed it - launching his own craft beer. Sign us up as taste testers!

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