We are extremely excited to announce the release of the latest version (android 0.9.1 | iOS 0.8.4 and web 1.7.0 Prod ) of our Food Safety Software. We have been amazed at the number of New Zealand food business who have jumped on board to streamline their food safety processes.
We have also listened to your feedback (some brilliant ideas) and have incorporated many of the features suggested by you into this release. We have also made some performance enhancements and minor bug fixes not mentioned here. Let's dive in!
You can now send messages between the Admin Console and the Mobile App.
There are two types of messages an Admin can create.
- The first is a text message. These are useful for sending out news and general communications. You can also attach a link to a Resource, Form or a URL. For example you may create a new training form and then send out a message asking your staff to complete it.
- The second type is an action or note to yourself (or someone else), typically about a task or that needs to be completed. An example could be a corrective action from your Verifier. When you have completed the action you can tick it as 'done'.
Messages can also be sent from the mobile device back to the Admin Console.
Adding Closed Dates
This feature allows you to select dates that your business is not open for business. This is a feature seasonal businesses will love. Now your reports and dashboard will better reflect form completion data.
Verification Countdown
We have added an extra metric to the top of dashboard. If you add the date of your next verification we can show you how many days to go. Simple but useful.
Screen Nudges
A 'Screen Nudge' is the message that appears at the bottom of the daily task list (Diary Screen) in the mobile app. These messages now cycle through a series of 'food safety' messages. You can also edit these messages to suit your own food business.
Form Reports
This is one of our 'biggest' new features. You now have the ability to report on any form completion. This is really useful where you have created custom forms. Previously you could only report on 'template forms'.
Auto Email
Want a particular form emailed to you every time it is completed? We can do that. Examples could be 'Incident' forms, 'inductions', 'sickness' etc...
Group Admin Dashboard
For those administering multiple organisations across a group we have added a new Group Dashboard.
Now not only can you add 'Resources' to the Library, you can now attach them to your 'Suppliers', 'Equipment' and 'Users'. Very handy for adding 'Certifications', 'Operating Manuals' and 'Training Records'.
Staff Form/Training Records
You can now open a Staff Member n the Admin Console and see a list of the Forms where they have been selected. For example, you may create a custom training form that starts with a 'Select Staff' member question - and now see a history under each staff member of when they completed that form.
Safe Food Pro does have an awesome selection of ad hoc forms. These forms are categorised, but it can still be a bit tricky finding the form you are after, especially if its one you use often. Problem solved! Now you can make any ad hoc form a 'Favourite' in the mobile application. These forms now appear in the 'Favourite' section at the top of the ad hoc form list. Genius.
Food Control Plan (FCP) Summary List
We have colour coordinated the summary to match MPI's Simply Safe and Suitable layout. It also shows you what forms you have in your Safe Food Pro relating to their section in Simply Safe and Suitable. This can be a really helpful summary to show to your verifier when it comes to verification day!
We have increased the minimum security requirements on passwords. We know they will be harder to remember, but also harder for someone to guess. Your data security is extremely important to us.
Approved Supplier Certification
You can enter the supplier's certificate, showing if they are a certified supplier. You can monitor the supplier's certificates from your Dashboard on the Administration Console, showing when their certificate expires so you can keep your records up to date.
Dashboard Custom Date Range
You can now select a custom date range for your Dashboard, as well as 'Last 7 days', 'This Week' and 'This Month'.
New Question Type
After huge demand we have done it. You can now use Yes/No + Reason question type. Very handy.
What else?
We have also made various bug fixes and performance enhancements. Stuff that is part and parcel of good software development. Don't forget we are made in NZ by NZ'ers and our software has designed to exceed MPI's requirements.
Support Portal
For detailed documentation on our latest release please click the following link:
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