Life before safe food Pro was that ominous 138 page folder up on the shelf that I never wanted to deal with.
Now we find that when we need a form it's on the app when we want to take a temperature we just press the buttons I'm not being asked by the staff to show them how to fill these forms out anymore because Safe Food Pro seems to have simplified it so much for them but I'm showing them once and they understand and they do it that's the beauty of it.
Also when I'm not on site how I can receive, in real time any forms that are filled out or any bit of information that's being added into Safe Food Pro so I'm aware of what's happening in the business at all times.
When we first started with Safe Food Pro everyone in the kitchen was actually quite excited about it because it was going to tidy up a whole lot of you know messy Bits of Paper.
It's actually saved us time once people have gotten used to it they know what button is going to click through to the next page simple as so food Pro wins the day over paper for sure.