Douglas Golightly
New Zealand
Oct 7, 2020

Alert Level 1 - Lets lock in the gains

Alert Level 1 - Lets lock in the gains

While our whole economy has been impacted by the recent lockdown, it's fair to say that the hospitality sector has borne more than it's fair share of the brunt. So as Auckland moves back into Alert Level 1 lets lock in the gains and build on our industry's resilience. Many of the suggestions below will be familiar to you from the current food safety rules.

As an industry we need to remain on guard and vigilant in the ongoing battle against COVID-19.


QR Codes & Contact Tracing App

  • Under Alert Level 1 business are still required to display QR Codes.
  • Make the QR Code posters easy to find and use. (We find the colour one's do grab the eye better).
  • Encourage your customers to scan the code or manually register. Just displaying the code is only half the story. Being able to trace everyone who enters your establishment is key if we have another outbreak.

Hand Washing

  • Hand washing and food safety have always gone hand in hand. Make sure you have ample hand-washing supplies available to your staff and customers alike.
  • Why not keep making Hand sanitiser available for use. Anything which reminds us all to wash our hands has to be a great idea.
  • Washing hands often not only kills COVID-19 but is extremely important for your your food safety.
Kitchen porter washing his hands in professional kitchen

Regularly CLEAN surfaces

  • That’s right - clean all surfaces. COVID-19 can remain on plastic and stainless steel surfaces for up to about three days, and less than that for other types of surfaces. This will depend on the surface.
  • If surfaces look visibly dirty, clean it first. It’s best to use a disinfectant. Use a disinfectant that is antiviral and follow the instructions.
  • Remember to store cleaners and disinfectants safely.
Woman cleaning the counter  in the kitchen

STAY home if you’re sick

  • Got a fever, sore throat, cough or ... anything else that means you're not 100 percent then staying at home is the best thing you can do to stop any future spread of COVID-19. If you’re feeling unwell, it’s critical you stay at home and recover.
  • Get a COVID-19 test. It's easy. You owe it to yourself, your co-workers, your business, your employer, your family, your community and your country not to spread the virus. Call your GP or Healthline on 0800 358 5453 to see if you need a test.
  • If you really have to ... cough or sneeze into your elbow. Like the flu, COVID-19 can be transmitted from person to person. The scientific evidence confirms that COVID-19 is spread by droplets. When an infected person coughs, sneezes or talks, they may generate droplets containing the virus. So do the right thing ... and then WASH your hands.

PUT that mask on

  • Go on, put it on! Wearing a face covering helps keep you and others safe. A face covering helps stop droplets spreading when someone speaks, laughs, coughs or sneezes. This includes someone who has COVID-19 but feels well or has no obvious symptoms. Face coverings are particularly useful when physical distancing is not possible.
  • If you are going to wear a mask, then wear it properly. It needs to cover your nose and  mouth.

Social Distancing

  • Even at Alert Level 1 it’s still worthwhile keeping a safe distance from people you don’t know while out and about. This will help minimise the spread of COVID-19 if it reappears in the community.

Stay Updated

CLICK HERE for more information and official updates on COVID-19.

About the author

Douglas Golightly

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